Time Conversion tab

Use this tab to specify the number of hours a crew works in a given time period.

To display this tab, click [Standard DB] at the top of the Estimating Management Console, and then click [New Standard Database] or click the new standard database button on the Standard Database Catalog toolbar Image of the New Standard Database button on the toolbar. In the New Standard Database window, select the Time Conversion tab.

Items in this window

Items on the Time Conversion tab
Item Notes
Hours per day

Type the standard number of working hours (up to 3.2 digits, with a default of 8.00) in a day.

Person hours are calculated using this number for items with a day-based order unit (Day, Person Day, and—for Estimating Extended only–Crew day). This value is used to calculate the labor and equipment hours for items with certain time-based order units.

The totals appear in the Sage Estimating software in the spreadsheet, Totals window, and reports.

Hours per week

Type the standard number of working hours (up to 3.2 digits, with a default of 40.00) in a week.

Person hours are calculated using this number for items with a week-based order unit (Week, Person Week, and—for Estimating Extended only—Crew week). This value is used to calculate the labor and equipment hours for items with certain time-based order units.

The totals appear in the Sage Estimating software in the spreadsheet, Totals window, and reports.

Hours per month

Enter the standard number of working hours (up to 3.2 digits, with a default of 173.33) in a month.

Person hours are calculated using this number for items with a month-based order unit (Month, Person Month, and—If you have a license for Crews— Crew month). This value is used to calculate the labor and equipment hours for items with certain time-based order units.

The totals appear in the Sage Estimating software in the spreadsheet, Totals window, and reports.