Locking and unlocking estimates

To prevent data conflicts, Sage Estimating (SQL) locks each estimate exclusively for the user who is currently editing it. However, if your Sage Estimating (SQL) session is unintentionally interrupted (for example, because of a power outage or a system crash), Sage Estimating (SQL) automatically unlocks any estimate you were using.

You use the Estimating Management Console or the Manage Estimates window to make the estimate available again after restoring your session.

Any user can unlock an estimate that was locked for their own use on the same machine that they are using to unlock the estimate. You select Make Available from the Estimate Catalog list in the Manage Estimates window.

However, to unlock an estimate that was locked by another user, you can use the Estimating Management Console or the Manage Estimates window in Sage Estimating (SQL), but you require a Sage Estimating (SQL) Administrator role. If you are not an administrator and you need to work with an estimate that is locked by another user, the other user needs to end their Sage Estimating (SQL) session, close the estimate, or unlock the estimate.

Note: Sage Estimating (SQL) prompts you to recalculate the estimate after you unlock your estimate and restore your session. However, if you restore your session by starting Sage Estimating (SQL) from the Estimating Management Console, Sage Estimating (SQL) recalculates your estimate automatically without prompting you.

Caution! Do not unlock an estimate that is open and being used in a Sage Estimating (SQL) session. Doing so can result in unpredictable results.

To make an estimate available using the Manage Estimates window:

  1. Click File > Manage Estimates.
  2. In the Estimate Catalog pane of the Manage Estimates window, right-click the estimate, and then click Make available from the context menu that appears.

If you are logged on as an administrator and you want to make an estimate available that was locked by someone else:

  1. Click File > Manage Estimates.
  2. In the Estimate Catalog pane of the Estimating Management Console window, select the estimate from the list.
  3. Click [Make available] in the right-hand pane.

    If the estimate is open, you receive a reminder to close it in Sage Estimating (SQL).

    1. Close the estimate.
    2. Click [OK].