Setting up a new database model

Before you begin

Before you start building models, you should review the information discussed in Planning a model.

To set up a new database model:

  1. On the Data tab, click Models. The Model window opens.
  2. In the Model window, click [Add].
  3. Complete the Model and Description fields. You can use [Copy] and [Prefill] for this purpose.
  4. (optional) Click An eye icon for Display Options to open the Default Display Options window where you can define:
    • The font to use throughout your model.
    • The default fields and help notes to display for the model during takeoff.
  5. As you build the model, you can:

  6. Review the model and make changes as needed.
  7. When you finish setting up the model, click [OK] to save it.
  8. Set up additional models in the same manner. When you finish, click [Close].


  • The warning "Incomplete – Check model" appears at the top of the window if your model contains fields with incomplete or incorrect information. Estimating marks these fields with a red exclamation mark (image\exclmark.gif). Hover your cursor over the exclamation mark to see error details. Click An image of the Scan button to search for these fields, or click Check Model for a complete list of errors.
  • The Model Database report is available from the Database – Reports menu.