Create a New Job

The Sage 100 Contractor – Create Job window appears if you click [Create New] on the job list when you are creating a proposal, budget, or change order.

Note: To enter more information about the new job, start Sage 100 Contractor and enter information in 3-5 Jobs (Accounts Receivable).

To create a job in Sage Estimating (SQL) for Sage 100 Contractor:

  1. In step 1 of an export to job cost wizard, select the job number list icon.
  2. Click [Create New] to open the Create Sage 100 Contractor Job window.
  3. In the Job Number box, type the new job number.

    Note: You must use only numeric characters to identify the job.

  4. In the Status box, select the job status.
  5. In the Short Name box, type the short name or abbreviation of the new job.
  6. In the Name box, type the name of the new job.
  7. Click [OK].

You can make additional changes in Sage 100 Contractor later, if necessary. For more information, see the Sage 100 Contractor help.