Import Data (Alternates)

Note: This feature is available only with a Sage Estimating (SQL) SQL product license. (It is not available with Sage Estimating Essential.)

You use this window to import a list of alternate items from a Microsoft Excel file that you exported previously.

Note: The file format must be valid before you can import the alternates list into the Edit Alternates window. For example, you must use the same columns as the exported statuses, any rows that you added in Excel must be complete, and the alternate item name must not exceed 50 alphanumeric characters.

To import a status list, you click the [Import] button in the Edit Alternates window.

Tip: If an imported alternate uses a status that does not yet exist in the estimate, the import process adds that status automatically to the estimate's Alternate Status list.

When the import process is complete, the Import Data window displays a [View Log] button. Click the button to view a report of the import details, which includes the number of records processed, updated, and added, as well as a list of any errors encountered during the import.