Finalizing productivity adjustments

Note: This feature is available only with a Sage Estimating (SQL) SQL product license. (It is not available with Sage Estimating Essential.)

After you finalize productivity adjustments, you cannot reverse them. Sage Estimating (SQL) removes the red triangle as well as the adjustment history from number cells.

You can finalize adjustments during takeoff in the Adjust Assembly Productivity window, or after takeoff directly from the spreadsheet.

To adjustments during takeoff:

  1. Below the takeoff grid, click [Adjust Productivity].

  2. Click Finalize adjustmentin the Adjust Assembly Productivity window.

  3. Click [OK].

To finalize manual adjustments in the spreadsheet:

On the spreadsheet, right-click the Labor Productivity or Equip Productivity cell with the adjustment you want to finalize, and then select Finalize Adjustment from the shortcut menu.

You can also undo all the labor productivity or equipment productivity adjustments (not yet finalized) by selecting the entire column on the spreadsheet, right-clicking, and then selecting Undo Adjustment from the shortcut menu.

If you selected the Do not reprice prices and factors marked as manually adjusted option in the Estimating Options window, the red triangle is replaced with a green triangle, indicating that the cell contains a manual adjustment that will be retained even if you apply a factor table or reprice the estimate.

Tip: You can also finalize adjustments when reviewing assemblies by opening the Adjust Assembly Productivity window, and then clicking Finalize Adjustment.

For adjusted factors, if you selected the Skip marked, manually adjusted factors when repricing from factor table option (in Estimating Options), Sage Estimating (SQL) replaces the red triangle with a green triangle, indicating the factor will not be overwritten when you apply a factor table to the estimate.