Assemblies command

Use this command to create and edit individual assemblies in the standard database.

  • On the ribbon, from the Elements group on the Data tab, click Assemblies.
  • In classic view, select Database menu > AssembliesSmart Assemblies.

Assemblies created this way are available for takeoff in all estimates created with that standard database. Smart Assemblies is available only if a standard database is open.

The command opens the Assembly window where you enter information and select items for the assembly. After creating assemblies, you can takeoff multiple items in a single operation. Sage Estimating (SQL) calculates takeoff quantities using the method specified for each item.  


  • During takeoff, you can click A image of the Assembly Takeoff – Review button to create an assembly easily from the items in the takeoff grid. You can save the assembly in the standard database or save it as a one-time assembly for the current estimate.
  • If you want the Assembly window to remain in add mode after you save each new assembly, use the Options command.