Assembly Takeoff / Review Assemblies window

This window is used to select the assembly and specify the takeoff quantities needed for an estimate. It is also used to review and change passes after an assembly has been generated into the spreadsheet. The window contains a list area, a pane with variables from the formulas, and a grid with items from the assembly. Sage Estimating (SQL) sends the items to the spreadsheet when you click [OK].

To open the Review Assemblies window:

  • On the ribbon, from the Takeoff group on the Takeoff tab, click Assembly Takeoff.

  • In classic view, click TakeoffAssembly Takeoff or Review Assemblies.

Note: After adding an assembly, right-click on it in the Assembly window, and then click Review Assemblies on the shortcut menu.

For more information, click the Help icon available on the ribbon on the toolbar and then click a field or button.


  • The toolbar and shortcut menu provide commands for a variety of tasks.
  • When you review an assembly, a gray background indicates the standard database used to take off the assembly is not open. To change an assembly pass, open the standard database that was used to take off the assembly.
  • Click [Notes] to open the Notes window where you can enter or view information about a particular assembly. A paper clip on the Notes button means there is already a note attached to the assembly.
  • If your settings allow it, you can add one-time items to the assembly by selecting Add New Item.
  • Click [Attachment] to view the drawing or other file associated with the selected assembly (if available).