Specifying takeoff quantities for items in an assembly

After choosing and customizing the assembly, specify the takeoff quantity for each of its items. Each time you calculate or enter a quantity, Sage Estimating (SQL) adds a pass and increments the number of passes at the bottom of the variable pane.

  • In the variable pane

    Enter a value for each variable and click the Add Pass button or the Replace Pass button to calculate the quantities for all items with a formula or factor.

  • In the takeoff grid

    Enter a value in each Quantity cell. You can select one or more cells and choose a command from the shortcut menu. to obtain quantities using the calculator, ePlan Takeoff, or a formula.


  • You can change the variables and calculate another pass for the same assembly.
  • Click the Undo Pass button to undo the previous pass. Each click subtracts one more pass until all quantities reach zero.
  • After generating items to the estimate, you can change takeoff quantities in the spreadsheet and Detail window.
  • The shortcut menu offers commands to help you specify quantities.