Rate grid

The rate grid in the Rate Table window shows the name, description, total rate, base rate, unit, and benefit rates for each resource in a rate table. Sage Estimating (SQL) calculates the total rate for each resource based on its base rate and any additional benefits.

To add one or more resources, click [Resources], and then double-click or drag them to the grid. Enter the following information for each resource:


  • The shortcut menu for the column headers provides commands for going to a specified resource, sorting the resources by ID or description, saving the current setup as the default for new rate tables, and multiplying the values in a column by a specified amount.
  • A yellow background means that information is missing from the grid.
  • Press Esc to cancel the changes in a cell.
  • To change a benefit column, right-click its column header, and then select Change Column.
  • To create or edit resources, right-click a Resource and Description cell, and then select the appropriate command from the shortcut menu.
  • To delete a resource, right-click its row header, and then select Delete Row.