Resources tab

Note: This feature is available only if you have a license to use Crews.

This tab shows the details about each resource in the crew attached to an item. Information includes the name, description, base rate, total rate, quantity, unit, base amount, total amount, and type for each resource based on the selected rate tables. There are also total quantities and amounts for both labor and equipment.

If you choose a different crew or rate table in the fields at the bottom of the Detail window, the grid displays the values for that selection. You cannot change the information directly in the grid.

Total price of crew compared with average price

You can set up different pricing methods for crews, displaying prices for person units or crew units for the crew. However, you can choose to use a different unit in the estimate. If you use a different unit in the estimate, Estimating makes a conversion for that type of unit.

If you enter a person unit in the estimate, Estimating displays the average per person as the price.

If you enter a generic unit or a crew unit, it displays the total price for the crew. No price adjustment is required.