Entering quantities for overlines

The following examples show how to enter quantities for overlines.

To enter phase quantities:

  1. With the spreadsheet in Phase/Item order, click An image of the Collapse button on the ribbon once to collapse the spreadsheet to the phase level.
  2. Click in the Takeoff Quantity cell of the desired phase, and then enter a quantity.

To enter group phase quantities:

  1. With the spreadsheet in Phase/Item order, click An image of the Collapse button on the ribbon twice to collapse the spreadsheet to the group phase level.
  2. Click in the Takeoff Quantity cell of the desired group phase, and then enter a quantity.

To enter location quantities:

  1. With the spreadsheet in Location/Phase order, click An image of the Collapse button on the ribbon twice to collapse the spreadsheet to the location level.
  2. Click in the Takeoff Quantity cell of the desired location, and then enter a quantity.