Adjust Values command

Use this command to change the values for a range of cells within a single spreadsheet column by a specified method. You can apply a percent, multiply, divide, replace, add, or spread an adjustment to the Takeoff Quantity, Productivity, Price (any category), Amount (any category), Total Amount, or Total Cost/Unit column. Adjustments are temporary (pending) until you choose the Finalize adjustment option.

To adjust values in a column, select the desired cells, right-click, and then click Adjust Column. The Adjust Column window opens so you can enter the adjustment type and amount. The command is available except when items are combined. 


  • In the spreadsheet or Detail window, a red triangle identifies cells that have a pending adjustment.
  • To see a pop up window showing the original and adjusted values, point to any cell with a red triangle.
  • For equipment productivity, an adjustment applies only if equipment has the same productivity as labor or if there is no labor productivity.
  • If you choose Adjust Column from an overline, the adjustment affects all items within that level.
  • If the status bar shows a variance, spreading an adjustment takes addons into account. Example
  • When you close Sage Estimating (SQL), you have the option of canceling or finalizing pending adjustments.