Bill of Materials (BOM) report
This report provides a breakdown of the estimate materials by product category. It lists material items with their takeoff quantities, rounded order quantities, unit prices, and extended amounts. A bill of materials sorted by location helps you order all items needed for the job and schedule delivery of those materials. Example
The report combines and totals the quantities of all items that share the same materials class and alternate description. It also converts takeoff units to order units and rounds quantities to optimize order levels. Rounding is based on the last item in the group.
On the ribbon, select the Reports tab, and then from the Estimate Reports group, click More > Bill of Materials Reports > Bill of Materials
In classic view, select Reports menu > Bill of Materials.
- Specify which fonts and page layout to use for the report.
Tip: The currency total on the bill of materials may differ from the material amount on the spreadsheet due to combined items and rounding. To obtain the most accurate estimate, manually adjust the material amount in the spreadsheet by the difference between the two totals.