Bill of Quantities report

This report provides a breakdown of the estimate quantities and amounts by sort level. It lists all items with their takeoff quantities, units, prices, and extended amounts. For example, if you choose BOQ (a previously created work breakdown structure) as the top level sort, the report summarizes the estimate items assigned to each BOQ entry (WBS value).

To create this report:

  1. On the ribbon, select the Reports tab, and then from the Estimate Reports group, click More > Bill of Quantities.

  2. Specify which sort levels, ranges, fonts, and page layout to use and whether to print the notes for sort levels and items.
  3. Specify whether to round quantities, print prices and amounts, print a summary page, include subtotals, shade headings, and count items using numbers or letters.


  • The Scaling Fit to options (Page Setup tab) are not available for this report.
  • Addons are always allocated.
  • To save time when previewing the report, clear the Print subtotals for each <top level sort> and Print summary page first options.