Crew Analysis report

This report, which includes only the items which have a crew assigned, provides breakdowns by resource and rate, base costs, total costs, and benefit.

To create this report:

  1. On the ribbon, select the Reports tab, and then from the Estimate Reports group, click More > Crew Analysis Report.

    In classic view, select Reports menu > Crew Analysis Report.

  2. Specify which sort levels, ranges, fonts, and page layout to use for the report.
  3. Specify whether to print either labor or equipment, notes for each sort level, a new page for each sort level; a cover page, and benefits.


  • An asterisk (*) marks benefit columns at the summary level if the benefit header for any item is different.
  • A double asterisk (**) marks fields where the calculated crew cost (or hours) differs from the current item cost.
  • Since this report includes only items with crews, the upper-level totals may not match totals in other reports. This happens because this report shows the calculated crew amounts instead of the current amounts.