Crew report

This report, which includes only the items which have a crew assigned, is useful for reviewing crew productivity for the site supervisor or estimator. It shows the labor productivity, quantities, prices, amounts, and labor and equipment hours for each crew.

To create this report:

  1. On the ribbon, select the Reports tab, and then from the Estimate Reports group, click More >Crew Report.

    In classic view, select ReportsCrew Report.

  2. Specify which sort levels, ranges, fonts, and page layout to use for the report.
  3. Specify whether to print item notes, resource detail or summary, and totals for resources and crews at each sort level.


  • Since this report includes only items with crews, the labor and equipment totals may differ from the totals on other reports.
  • If you are reporting on crew hours, the total crew hours is the same as the total labor hours. If a crew has no labor hours, total crew hours equal the total equipment hours divided by the number of resources in the crew.
  • If you are reporting on Person hours, total Person hours equal the total labor hours divided by the labor resource count. If a crew has no labor resources, total Person hours equal the total equipment hours divided by the number of resources in the crew.
  • A double asterisk (**) marks the total crew hours if the labor and equipment productivity differ.
  • A single asterisk (*) marks the price if the calculated crew price differs from the current item price.
  • At the summary level, the total crew hours is the sum of total crew hours for all items.