Takeoff Unit Costs report

This report shows the takeoff unit costs and quantities for all items in the selected categories. It serves as a historical reference and is useful for spotting errors in the estimate.

Sage Estimating (SQL) calculates a cost/unit by dividing the total extended amount by the takeoff quantity. If labor were priced by the hour and the material by the roll, you would see a unit cost by square feet for labor and material. You can use the cost/unit figure as a basis for future conceptual estimating or as a way to verify that your takeoff is within a reasonable cost per unit.

To create this report:

  1. On the ribbon, select the Reports tab, and then from the Estimate Reports group, click More >Takeoff Unit Costs.

  2. Specify which sort levels, ranges, fonts, and page layout to use for the report.
  3. Specify whether to print notes; round quantities; include the cover page, estimate totals, level totals, and subcategory totals; and print shaded headings.