Unit Price Analysis report

This report gives a breakdown of the units, quantities, unit prices, and extended amounts for an estimate. It includes a separate section for each summary or detail option you select. The report is particularly useful when contractors are required to supply unit price detail as part of their bid. Latin America is one region with this requirement.

To create this report:

  1. On the ribbon, select the Reports tab, and then from the Estimate Reports group, click More > Unit Price Analysis.
  2. Specify how to distribute addons and which sort levels, ranges, fonts, and page layout to use for the report.
  3. Specify whether to include a summary of the top and second level sorts as well as item details for the second level sort. You can also use crew resources for the second level sort.
  4. You can also select other information to print on each part of the report:

    • Top level summary – ID, unit, quantity, unit price, and notes
    • Second level summary – ID and notes
    • Second level detail – addon allocation and totals


  • The report requires two sort levels on the Range/Sort tab.
  • Each summary or detail option you mark prints as a separate section of the report.
  • The detail report is mostly blank unless you have entered quantities for the second level sort on the spreadsheet.