Saving a report as a file

  1. From the report window, click [Export].
  2. In the File Name field, enter a name for the file.
    To go to a different drive or directory, click Image of a folder with up arrow on it.
  3. In the Save as type field, choose a file format.


  • To select where to export a report automatically, set up a default directory on the Folders tab of the Sage Estimating (SQL) options (Preferences tab of the Estimating Management Console).
  • Exporting the Spreadsheet report to Microsoft Excel also exports all formulas associated with the spreadsheet. For example, if your spreadsheet is set up to report the Labor Amount (Labor Quantity column * the Labor Price column), clicking on the Labor Amount column in the Excel spreadsheet reveals the resulting calculation formula as I4*K4 (where I4 is the Labor Quantity column and K4 is the Labor Price column).

Note: You must have Excel 2002 or later to use the Microsoft Excel Workbook option.