Edit Estimate Spreadsheet Sequences window

Use this window to set up as many multiple-level spreadsheet sequences as you need for an estimate. The sequences you set up appear on the sequence tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet.

You open the Edit Estimate Spreadsheet Sequences window in one of the following ways:

  • On the ribbon, from the Spreadsheet Display group on the Home tab, click Sequences.
  • In classic view, click ViewSpreadsheet Sequences.
  • On the spreadsheet, right-click the sequence tab, and then click Edit Layout on the shortcut menu.

From this window, you open a separate Grouping Hierarchy window where you define which sort levels each sequence uses, and the order in which the levels appear on the spreadsheet sequence tab. (You click the The List (ellipsis) button button beside the Grouping Hierarchy box to open the Grouping Hierarchy window.)

After setting up spreadsheet sequences, you can enter information, such as quantities and notes, for each level on the estimate spreadsheet (just as you do at the group phase and phase levels).

You can also right-click a sequence tab, and then use the shortcut menu to customize the tab or sequence as follows:

  • Click Rename, and then give the sequence tab a different name (for example, to shorten the tab or to give it a more meaningful name).

  • Click Tab Color, and then apply a color to the tab to differentiate it more easily from other tabs.
  • Click Hide to hide a sequence tab. (To redisplay a hidden tab, open the Edit Spreadsheet Sequences window, and then select Visible for the sequence.)

  • Click Duplicate to copy an existing sequence to a new tab.


  • You can save a set of default sequences to apply automatically to new estimates.

    1. Click the [Database] button to open the Select Default Spreadsheet Sequences window. (You use this window to copy existing default sequences to the current estimate.)

    2. Click [Edit] to open the Edit Default Spreadsheet Sequences window, where you can add default spreadsheet sequences.

  • You can change the sort levels at any time. If you have already performed some takeoff, Sage Estimating recalculates the estimate quantities and changes the sort levels on the spreadsheet.