Quantity columns (all categories)

For each category, this spreadsheet column shows how many order units of each item are needed for the job. Sage Estimating (SQL) calculates the order quantity by applying waste and, if appropriate, converting the takeoff quantity to order units. The order unit (per) comes from the standard database item. The order quantity is the same as the takeoff quantity except when the item was set up with one of the following:

  • Waste factor that applies to this category
  • Conversion/production factor


  • To enter the same quantity for several items, choose Fill Down on the shortcut menu.
  • The order quantity and unit description are actually separate columns. They can have different characteristics and offer different commands on the shortcut menu.
  • Changing from one time-based unit to another automatically converts the labor and equipment order quantities based on the Hours per day and Hours per week in the Database/Estimate Settings window.
  • Collapse the spreadsheet to see values for the upper two levels. The Options command controls whether information displays when the levels are expanded.
  • The order quantity also appears in the Extension tab of the Detail window.