Productivity columns (Labor, Equip, Sub)

For the labor, sub, and equipment categories, this spreadsheet column contains the productivity factor that shows how to convert the takeoff units to order units. A red triangle in the upper right corner means that the item has a pending adjustment.

  • If the order unit involves days, the standard hours per day (Database/Estimate Settings window, Miscellaneous tab) is used to convert days to hours.
  • If the order unit involves weeks, the standard hours per week (Database/Estimate Settings window, Miscellaneous tab) is used to convert weeks to hours.
  • image\prod.gif


  • If labor and equipment productivity are the same, changing the labor factor also changes the equipment factor. However, changing the equipment factor has no effect on labor.

  • If labor and equipment productivity are different, changing the labor factor does not change the equipment factor.

  • You have the option of changing the productivity for duplicate items.

  • When you adjust productivity in your estimate, the Productivity column for any items affected by the change display a red triangle, indicating that the item has a pending adjustment, until you finalize the adjustment.

    If you selected the Skip marked, manually adjusted factors when repricing from factor table option (in Estimating Options), when you finalize the adjustment, the red triangle is replaced with a green triangle, indicating that the adjustment will not be overwritten if you reprice the estimate.

  • To enter the same productivity factor for several items, choose Fill Down on the shortcut menu.

  • The factor and unit descriptions are actually separate columns. They can have different characteristics and offer different commands on the shortcut menu.

  • You can edit the order unit or switch the way of expressing the units in the Detail window. Any change you make applies only to this estimate. Example

    Example: Suppose you normally take off asphalt by the cubic yard, but order labor by the hour. You could calculate labor using a productivity factor given in hours/cubic yard or cubic yards/hour.

    Category Field label Field contents



    Number of cubic yards paved per hour



    Number of hours to pave one cubic yard

  • The productivity factor and units also appear in the Extension tab of the Detail window.