Picking subcontractors and entering their quotes

Before you begin

  • Click the Phase/Item tab to display the spreadsheet in phase/item order. While you don't have to display the spreadsheet in this order, it's typically the most convenient order to use for entering material quotes.

    Example: You can set up a subcontractor spreadsheet sequence for the estimate in Sage Estimating (SQL). Then click the Subcontractor tab to see the items in order by subcontractor.

  • Make the first four spreadsheet columns non-scrolling so you can easily identify the items after you scroll over to the Material category columns.

    1. Use the mouse to select the headings of the columns you want to make non-scrolling.
    2. Click the right mouse button and then select Lock Column from the shortcut menu.

      Example: To make the first four columns non-scrolling, select their headings, click the right mouse button, and select Lock Column from the shortcut menu. The following columns are now locked and will remain visible on the left side of the spreadsheet as you scroll to the right:

      • Group phase
      • Phase
      • Item
      • Description

To pick subcontractors and enter their quotes:

  1. Scroll the spreadsheet until the Sub columns display.
  2. Enter the subcontractor's quote in the Sub Price or Sub Amount cell for the appropriate item.
  3. Enter the subcontractor's name in the corresponding Sub Name cell.

    Right-click on the cell and select List Address Book Subcontractors for a list of companies in the Address Book database that are available for use as subcontractors.

    If necessary, you can set up a new subcontractor from the Sub Name column. Setting up a subcontractor from an estimate.

  4. Repeat steps 1-3 until you have entered all subcontractor quotes.


  • Did you enter a lump amount that applies to multiple items in the estimate? For each item covered by the lump amount, enter an * (asterisk) in the Sub Amount cell. The * indicates that the item is covered by monetary amounts located elsewhere in the estimate.
  • Sage Estimating (SQL) places an * in the following cells to indicate that the item is covered by monetary amounts located elsewhere in the estimate: Sub Productivity, Sub Cost/Unit, Sub Quantity, and Sub Price.
  • Another way to enter bids from subcontractors is using the bid grid.

    For more information, see Entering multiple subcontractor bids.