Choosing items for takeoff

Use the following methods to load items into the takeoff grid.

  • Double-click on a single item in the list.
  • Select a single item and press [Enter].
  • Select and drag one or more items from the list to the takeoff grid.
  • Enter the phase or item code in the takeoff grid.


  • You can sort the item list in a different order. Right-click and choose a sort option from the Sort item list by command.

  • You can search the list to find a specific item. Right-click and then choose the Search command. Enter your search criteria in the Search field, and then press Enter.

  • If you choose more items and make another calculation after you specify the takeoff quantities, any additional calculations are applied to all items in the takeoff grid. (See An example of multiple passes.)

  • After you select a group of related items, you can save them as an assembly.