Quick Takeoff window

Note: Quick Takeoff is available only when a standard database is open.

This window presents a list of standard database items so you can select one or more items for the estimate. You decide when to specify takeoff quantities with the Enter Dimensions command on the shortcut menu.

  • Leave the command unmarked to send the selected items directly to the estimate. You can specify the takeoff quantities later in the spreadsheet.

  • Select the command to calculate quantities before sending items to the spreadsheet. You then enter a value for each variable and click [OK] to generate the calculated quantities into the spreadsheet.

To open the Quick Takeoff window:

  • On the ribbon, from the Takeoff group on the Takeoff tab, click Quick.
  • In classic view, select Takeoff menu > Quick Takeoff or click The Quick Takeoff button, available in classic view on the toolbar.


  • To specify a default location, work breakdown structure (WBS), and alternate for the selected items:

    • On the ribbon, from the Takeoff group on the Takeoff tab, click Default Values.
    • In classic view, click ViewItem Takeoff Settings.
  • To take off a single item, double-click on the item.
  • To take off several items, select and drag them to the spreadsheet.
  • To take off a whole phase or group phase, press and hold Shift while dragging the selection to the spreadsheet.
  • If your settings allow it, you can add a new item by selecting Add New Item.
  • You can use the calculator, or ePlan Takeoff, to obtain the correct value for a variable.