Report Manager window

Use this window to specify estimate report options for custom report designs created in Crystal Reports, Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), or another third-party program.

Note: Report Manager features are available only if you have permission to manage custom reports.

You can perform the following tasks from this window:

  • Open the New Report window to create a new estimate report by associating a report design file (for example, and RPT file) with an estimate report name you specify.

    For more information, see New Report window.

  • Organize your estimate reports into branches in the Report Catalog.

    For more information, see Adding branches to the Report Catalog.

  • Set estimate report options.

  • Create sample estimate data to use when laying out or setting up custom report designs in Crystal Reports, SSRS, or another type of custom report.

    For more information, see Creating sample data for report designs

To open the Report Manger window:

Click [Report Manager] at the top of the Estimating Management Console.

Items in this window

Reports Catalog pane

This pane displays a list of estimate reports in the custom report database, as organized by branch.

As with estimates in the estimate database, you can organize your reports by creating branches (right-click and select New branch). These branches are for display purposes only. The actual structure of your custom report database is unchanged.

Select any estimate report in the list, and then click [Check out] if you want to edit the design.

Report details

Report details
Item Notes

Displays the name of the estimate report to create. To change the name, type a new one in the box.

Alternatively, this box displays the report name if you select an existing estimate report by clicking the browse button An image of the Browse button in the File Name box.

File Name

Displays the file name of the report design that you are using as the basis for the estimate report. The file extension depends on the type of design file you are using:

  • Crystal Reports use the RPT file format.
  • SSRS Reports use the RDL file format required by Microsoft SQL Server Report Services.
  • Custom Reports use whatever file format is required by the report design software (for example, DOC, XLS, and so on).

Select the report design file using the New Report window.


Specify whether to use the selected estimate’s current sequence or a different sequence that you specify. When you select Custom for the option, and then click the browse button An image of the Browse button beside the option, a new Edit Grouping Hierarchy window appears, enabling you to specify how to organize the information on the report.


Select the checkboxes to apply one or more options to the estimate report you are creating.

  • Combine items. Combines items and displays them as a single item on a report. The resulting report has fewer items. Items are matched if all the following fields have matching values: phase code, item code, item description, takeoff unit, order unit (each category must match), price (or lump sum amount), subcontractor, or bid grid.
  • Allocate add-ons. Select the checkbox when you want to hide certain line item costs in an estimate report and embed them into your estimate report totals instead. When the checkbox is selected, Sage Estimating reads the addon allocation information from the estimate then calculates the addon allocations when the report quantities are generated.
  • Round quantities. Select this checkbox to round quantities in the selected estimate when you generate a report. Clear the checkbox if you do not want to round quantities in the estimate.

    This checkbox is available only if the Combine items checkbox is selected.

  • Include Overlines. Select this checkbox to generate data for every sort sequence overline, including category totals, description, quantity, unit, and notes.

  • Generate Excluded Alternates. You can include or exclude items that are assigned to alternates based on the alternate status.  Select this checkbox to generate excluded items for the report data.  If you do not select this option, only included items are generated. 

    Note: Overline and addon totals reflect only included items regardless of your selection for this option.

[Check In]

Click to check in the report design file edits to the custom report database. Report Manager removes the copy from the local Reports folder on your computer.

You must check out the report design file again to make additional changes such as modifying the layout.

[Check Out]

Click to check out the report design file from the custom report database for editing. Report Manager creates a copy of the report design file in the local Reports folder on your computer. All edits you make to the report are made to the local copy and copied back to the custom reports database when you click [Check in].

You must check out the report design file before making changes such as modifying the layout.

Note: The file path to your local copy of the report design file is always Reports > {report ID}, where {report ID} is the number displayed in the Report ID field of the Report Manager toolbar.

An example showing the Report ID for the report design file

You cannot change the path where the local copy is stored.

[Undo Checkout]

Releases the report design from editing without saving any of your changes. Report Manager removes the copy of the design file from the local Reports folder on your computer.

[Open Report Design Folder]

Opens the folder where the report design file (specified in the File Name box) is located.

Report Manager stores a local copy of the report design file in your Reports folder of your local computer. When you click [Check Out], Report Manager updates the local copy and makes it available to you exclusively for editing. When you click [Check In], it saves your changes in the custom report database and removes the copy from the Reports folder of your local computer.

Estimate grid

Items in the Estimate grid
Item Notes
Estimate grid

Displays all estimates currently available in the estimate database.

Select one or more estimates to use to create sample data for the custom reports database. Report Manager creates the sample estimate data when you click [Generate Data].

Use this sample data when designing your reports. For example, you can use the item list from an estimate to determine how long to make item-related field lengths in your estimate design.

[Generate Data]

Creates sample estimate data in the custom report database. You can select one or more existing estimates to use as sample data, and then use this sample data when designing custom reports in your custom report designer.

Clicking [Generate Data] creates a unique custom report database in your SQL Server instance that uses the following naming convention:


USER ID is your network logon name or ID.

For more information, see Creating Sample Data for Report Designs.