Adding new work breakdown structure (WBS) values

Before you begin

You need to define work breakdown structures before you can enter values for them. For more information, see Defining work breakdown structures (WBS).

To enter new WBS values:

  1. Open the Edit Database <WBS> Values window in one of the following ways:

    • On the ribbon:
      1. On the Data tab, click WBS.
      2. If you have both an estimate and the standard database open, select Estimate or Database, depending on whether you are editing WBS values for the estimate or the database
      3. Right-click the WBS code for which you want to edit values, and then click Edit <WBS> Values.
    • In classic view:
      1. From the Database menu, click WBS.
      2. If you have both an estimate and the standard database open, select Estimate or Database, depending on whether you are editing WBS values for the estimate or the database
      3. Right-click the WBS code for which you want to edit values, and then click Edit <WBS> Values.
    • From the spreadsheet:
      1. Right-click in a <WBS> column.

      2. Click Select <WBS> from the shortcut menu.

      3. In the Select <WBS> Values window, click [Edit].

        Important! You edit WBS Code values for the estimate in this window.

      4. (optional) To work with the work breakdown structures in the standard database, click the View Database List link.

  2. You can add values individually, or you can import a list of WBS codes that you exported previously.

    To import a list of WBS code values that you exported previously:

    1. Click the [Import] button.
    2. Browse to the export file, and then click [OK].
    3. Click [Close].
    4. Click [OK].

    For more information, click the Help icon available on the ribbon on the title bar of the window, and then click a field or button.

  3. Set up additional WBS values in the same manner. When you finish, click [Close].

Tip: You can use Edit <WBS> from the shortcut menu to copy a WBS value from an estimate to a standard database or from a standard database to an estimate.