Converting quantities to imperial/metric

If you want to convert and display estimate quantities from the current measurement system to imperial or metric, select the Convert quantities to checkbox on the Miscellaneous tab of the Estimate Settings window.

Sage Estimating then:

  • Automatically converts the estimate to the system of measurement you select, calculating amounts using the conversion factors you specify in the Edit Unit Conversions window.
  • Displays an additional set of columns in the spreadsheet that shows the converted quantities and prices.

Common unit conversions are built into the Sage Estimating program, but you can add your own, and edit or remove existing built-in conversions.

You can also change the labels of converted columns in spreadsheet layouts. Column headings for converted columns are marked by asterisks (*). The asterisks are replaced by the converted unit name in the spreadsheet and on reports.

We recommend that you do not use the asterisk for another purpose when labeling headers for converted columns in layouts, or you may obtain unexpected results.

To change the system of measurement for estimate quantities:

  1. Open the Estimate Settings window.

    • On the ribbon, from the Estimate Views group on the Home tab, click Settings.
    • In classic view, click TakeoffEstimate Settings.
  2. Click the Miscellaneous tab.
  3. Select the Convert quantities to checkbox, and then select Metric or Imperial, depending on which system of measurement you want convert to.

    If you select Native from the list of conversion systems, Sage Estimating (SQL) makes no conversion, and it displays unconverted amounts in the conversion column on the spreadsheet.

  4. Click [OK].