Export Estimates window

Use this window to specify details for exporting one or more selected estimates as a compressed (zipped) extensible markup language (XML) file.

Exporting estimate data enables you to store a copy of your estimates in XML format and import it into Sage Estimating (SQL) later.

Items in this pane

Item Notes
<export file location>

Type the file path and file name where you want to save the exported estimate data.

Alternatively, you can click [Browse] to select a file location.


Click to open the Select the Export File window so you can select the destination folder and export file for the selected estimate or estimates.

<description> If desired, type a brief summary describing the export file. You can use the summary to identify the contents and purpose of the exported data later.
<estimate list>

Select the checkbox of the estimates or estimate databases that you want to export.

If you select an estimate branch, all estimates within the estimate branch are automatically selected for export. You can clear the checkbox for each estimate database individually that you do not want to export.


Click to export the selected estimates and estimate databases to the file name and file path specified in the <export file location> box.

The Sage Estimating (SQL) software exports the data as a zipped XML file.

[Cancel] Click to close the Export Estimates window without exporting any estimate data.