Import Estimates window

Use this window to import estimates that have been saved previously in extensible markup language (XML) format.

Importing estimate data enables you to restore one or more estimates from a copy.

Items in this window

Item Notes
<export file location>

Type the file path and file name of the estimate data export file (.ZIP extension).

Alternatively, you can [Browse] to select a file location.

[Browse] Click to open the Select the Export File window so you can select the destination folder and export file for the selected estimate or estimates.
[Details] Click to open the Exported Estimate Details window to view information about the export file, including:
  • Source machine name: The name of computer or server where the estimate export file is located.
  • Created by: The ID of the operator who originally exported the estimate data.
  • Created date: The date and time that the estimate export file was created.
  • Description: The description that was saved with the exported estimates file.
[Export] Click this button if you want to save information about your import in an Excel file.
Ignore branches in the Exported Estimates file Select this option if you want to import all the selected estimates into a single folder, regardless of the branch structure in the Exported Estimates file.
<branch selection list> Select the branch to which you want to import the estimate or estimates.
[OK] Click to import the selected estimate data to the specified estimate database and branch.
[Cancel] Click to close the Import file window without importing estimate data.