Phase window

This window is used to enter the code, description, unit of measure, job cost information, and notes for a phase. You should set up a separate record for every phase (divisions and subdivisions) you use for estimates.

When you click [OK] to save the phase, Sage Estimating (SQL) reformats your entry by removing spaces and completing the suffix based on the Sage Estimating (SQL) phase code suffix option.

To open the Estimate Phase window:

  • On the ribbon, from the Elements group on the Data tab, click Phases.
  • In classic view, click Database > Phases.
  • From the spreadsheet, select a phase row, right-click, and then click Edit Phase on the shortcut menu.

Note: The source option indicates where the displayed group phase is stored. You can change a group phase in either the estimate or the standard database.

If you want to add or edit a phase in the standard database, select Database as the Source option. The window then becomes the Database Phase window.


  • Edit Phase is available on a button or on the shortcut menu when you are working with phases in other windows.
  • If you want the Phase window to remain in add mode after you save each new record, use the automatic add mode option.