Notes window

You use this window to enter information about a particular record or spreadsheet row. If the field is blank, simply begin typing. If you are editing a note, the characters you type are inserted at the cursor position. In the window, you can use the following keys:

Keys Description


Copies the selected text to the clipboard.


Cuts the selected text to the clipboard.


Pastes the contents of the clipboard at the insertion point.


Starts a new line.


Goes to the beginning of a line.


Goes to the end of a line.

[¬] [®][­] [¯]

Moves a character at a time in the direction of the arrow.


Moves to the beginning of the next word.


Moves to the beginning of the previous word.

To open the Notes window, click An image of the Ellipsis button used to browse a list of items beside any Notes field (if it is available), or press Ctrl+Shift+N.


  • Either An image of the Ellipsis button used to browse a list of items or [Notes] is available if notes are allowed for standard database records. There is an option to print these notes in each standard database report.
  • A notepad icon on the Notes button or spreadsheet row header means there is already a note attached to that record or row.
  • To enter a memo about a spreadsheet row, select the Notescommand on the shortcut menu. There is an option to print notes in the spreadsheet in the estimate reports.
  • You can also add separate notes for the estimate as a whole in the Estimate Notes window. To open the Estimate Notes window, you click the Notes icon on the ribbon or in the Estimate Information window.