Pricing tab

The fields on this tab provide information that is used for ordering the item.

How your company tracks crew productivity determines the way crew pricing is calculated for the labor and equipment categories on an item:

  • Person unit (Person Hour, Person Day, Person Week, Person Month) bases the item price on the average cost per crew member.
  • Crew unit (Crew Hour, Crew Day, Crew Week, Crew Month) bases the item price on the total cost of the crew.
  • Generic unit (Hour, Day, Week, Month) uses the default crew pricing method specified in the Database/Estimate Settings window.


  • Click [New Category] to choose the categories for an item.
  • You can link the prices of several items on the Links tab.
  • No price displays if you assign a crew to the item. In that case, the labor and equipment prices are calculated using the resources and rate tables for that crew.
  • If you enter a price, the crew is removed from the item.
  • The Update Pricing commands let you change the prices in the standard database for the selected categories or price codes by a specified percent.