Price columns (all categories)

For each category, this spreadsheet column shows the actual amount your company pays for one order unit of each item. The price comes from the category price stored in the standard database, but can be changed if necessary. Any change you make applies only to this estimate.

Note: If the price of a labor, material, or equipment item is linked to another item, the price is shown in red. For more information on linking prices, see Linking item prices in the standard database.


  • If you change this price, you have the option of changing the prices of linked and duplicate items. Lump amounts previously entered are not affected.
  • If you change the unit description, check that the conversion/productivity is what you want.
  • The price and unit description are actually separate columns. They can have different characteristics and offer different commands on the shortcut menu.
  • The category prices also appear in the Extension tab of the Detail window.