Dragging items from one estimate to another

  1. Open both estimates.
  2. From the row headers, select the items.
  3. Click the selected items, drag them to the other estimate, and drop them.
  4. Caution! Sage Estimating (SQL) reassigns items to the levels (location, WBS code, job cost phase, material class, or subcontractor) where you drop them. The items retain other sequence levels according to their drop position.

    • To reassign only the top level, drop the items at the primary level.
    • To reassign both levels, drop items at the secondary level.


  • You cannot add items to an assembly after takeoff. However, you can drag items elsewhere within an assembly or to the Unassigned level.
  • Crew information comes with the items, even if both estimates use different standard databases.

    Note: This feature is available only if you have a license to use Crews.

  • Subcontractor bids (in the Bid Grid) are not included in drag and drop operations.