Roles tab

Use this tab in the Security window to:

  • Add or edit roles for Sage Estimating users, assigning permissions to access Sage Estimating tasks and features.

    Example: To grant permission to certain users to view and edit estimates, but not to create new estimates, you might create a new role called "Jr. Operator," assigning to the role permission to view and edit estimates. You can then assign the Jr. Operator role to those users on the Users tab.

  • Delete or disable roles.
  • View a list of users assigned to a selected role.
  • View a list of feature permissions granted by a selected role.

Important! Make sure that users exit Sage Estimating before you change their permissions.

To display this tab, click [Security] on the Estimating Management Console ribbon, and then select the Roles tab in the Security window.

Items on this tab

Items on the Roles tab
Item Notes

Click [Add] to open the Add Role window, where you can create a new role.


Select a role on the Roles grid and then click [Edit] to open the Edit Role window, where you can edit details for the selected role, including its feature permissions.

Note: You cannot edit the Administrators role. The Edit button is unavailable when you select Administrator from the Roles grid.


Select a role on the Roles grid and then click [Delete] to remove the role.

Roles grid

The Roles grid displays the following information for all the roles available in the Estimating Management Console:

  • Name. The name of the role.
  • Description. A description of the role to help identify its purpose.
  • Disabled. Select this checkbox to turn off the role for use in Sage Estimating. Clear the checkbox to turn on the role.
  • Disabling a role to which users or groups are assigned removes all permissions for those users and groups. You need to assign the affected users and groups to another role before they can access Sage Estimating features.

    Note: If a user or a group also belongs to another role, they retain permissions assigned to that role.


    • Use the filter icons in the column headers to filter the list of roles displayed in the grid.
    • Click the column header to sort the list in ascending or descending order, or to turn off sorting. (An arrow in the column header indicates the direction of the sort.)
    • Select a role, or roles, on the Roles grid to see the users assigned to that role in the User's grid and the features assigned to the roles in the Features grid.
Users grid

The Users grid lists Sage Estimating users assigned to a role selected on the Roles grid. It includes the following information:

  • Assigned checkbox with no check mark Included (unlabelled). A check mark beside a user's ID indicates that they are assigned to a selected role. If you select more than one role and a user is assigned to one or more—but not all—of the roles, their checkbox displays a horizontal bar.

    You select a checkbox to assign a user to a selected role or clear the checkbox to remove them from the role.

  • User (ID). This is the user's Windows ID or their SQL Server Authentication ID.
  • Authentication Type. This is the type of authentication method used to validate a user's credentials to use Sage Estimating. You assign the Windows authentication or SQL authentication type when you add a user.
  • Group Name. This is the network group that the user belongs to, if they are assigned to a user group on the network.
  • First Name and Last Name. These are the first and last names associated with the user ID in the domain or computer user setup.
  • Disabled. This column displays a check mark if a user's ID has been disabled on the User's tab.


  • You can use icons in the column headers to filter or sort the users displayed in the grid.
  • You use the Users tab in the Security window to add or delete authorized users.
Features grid

The Features grid lists Sage Estimating features and tasks.

  • Assigned checkbox with no check markIncluded (unlabelled).A check mark beside a feature or a task indicates that a selected role includes permission to use the feature. If you select more than one role on the Roles grid, and feature permissions are assigned to one or more—but not all—of the roles, the checkbox displays a horizontal bar.


  • You can use icons in the column headers to filter or sort the features displayed in the grid.
  • You assign features to roles using the Edit Role window.