Spreadsheet columns

Note: Columns marked with an asterisk (*) are available only if you have a license to use Crews.

Some of these columns are hidden by default. You may need to edit your current layout to display them.

Addon Amount

Amount (all categories)


Base Amount (all categories)

Base Cost per Unit

Base Price

Base Price Unit (for labor, equipment)

Base Quantity (for labor, equipment)

Base Quantity Unit (for labor, equipment)

Base Productivity (for labor, equipment)

Bid Grid

BOM Desc

Conversion (for material, subcontracts, other)

Cost/Unit (all categories

*Count (Labor, Equip)


Date, Time


*Equip Hours

Grand Total

Grand Total Unit Price



JC Cat (all categories)

JC Phase (all categories)

*Labor Person Hrs


Material Class


Percent of Total


Price (all categories)

Price Code

Price Factor (all categories)

Price Source UPC

Productivity (Labor, Sub, Equip)

Productivity Factor (Labor, Equip)

Quantity (all categories)

*Rate Table (Labor, Equip)


Sub Name

Sub Number

Subcategory (all categories)

Takeoff Quantity

Tax (all categories)

Total Amount

Total Cost/Unit

Update Database

Vendor Number

Vendor Name


Waste (all categories)



  • To adjust the width of a column, drag the right border of the column header in either direction.
  • To fit a column to the width of its contents, double-click the right border.
  • To restore a hidden column, select the columns on either side and use the Show Hidden Columns command on the shortcut menu.
  • The shortcut menu for column headers offers several useful commands.